Tuesday 29 April 2014

Samsung unveils Galaxy K zoom with advanced camera for social media users

Samsung Electronics Co. on Tuesday introduced a
smartphone that has a camera with advanced features,
aimed at meeting the needs of active social media users
who frequently upload pictures on sites including
Facebook and Twitter.

The Galaxy K zoom, which the company describes as a
camera-specialised smartphone, had its global launch in

It features a timer that allows users to take selfies, or
photos of themselves, with the back camera using a

Most smartphones allow users to take selfies with the
camera at the front of the phone, which typically has a
lower resolution.

The phone features a new retracting lens that offers 10
times optical zoom, enabling users to take pictures of
distant objects by zooming into them using lenses, and
an optical image stabiliser that helps to produce sharper
photos by adjusting for shakes that may be caused
while holding the device.

The pricing and availability of the Galaxy K zoom were
not immediately announced.

The camera is designed for users of social media such
as Facebook and Twitter “to record every precious
moment in their daily lives,” said Sun Hong Lim, Senior
Vice-president of Mobile Communications Business at
Samsung Electronics.

The phone’s camera has a larger, 20.7 mega pixel BSI
CMOS sensor, which is bigger and allows more light to
be captured, making it ideal for low-light photography,
the company said.

The launch of the Galaxy K zoom follows the recent
introduction of Samsung’s flagship Galaxy S5 model and
comes as the South Korean company seeks to
consolidate its position as the world’s largest maker of

Mobile phone makers shipped more than 1 billion
smartphones in 2013, according to the International Data
Corporation’s Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone

Samsung’s share of the market exceeded 30 per cent,
followed by Apple with over 15 per cent share.
The company’s Galaxy K zoom is equipped with a Xenon
flaw and has five optimised filter settings.

“With the introduction of the Galaxy K zoom, Samsung
continues to demonstrate our commitment to creating
products that meet the diverse demands of our
consumers,” Mr. Lim said in a statement issued by
Samsung. Users can capture and share their most
important everyday moments, he said.

The phone is 20.2 millimetres thin and weighs 200
grams. It records video at 60 frames per second.
Samsung said it has tied up with Twitter to provide the
Vine app pre-loaded on the K zoom. This will allow
Twitter users to upload photos.

The company also unveiled audio products branded
Samsung Level, which consists of three types of
headphones and a Bluetooth-enabled portable speaker.

Monday 28 April 2014

Inter results today

Results of the first-year intermediate examinations will be declared on Monday at 3 p.m. To check your marks, call 1800-425-1110 from any phone. Results can also be checked on 
BIEAP 1st Year Results today



Earlier Secretary, Board of Intermediate Education (BIE) said that first year Intermediate results are expected to be released by last week of April and Intermediate second year results will be declared by first week of May. A review meeting was held by Advisor to Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Salahuddin Ahmed, the Secretary, BIE said

Thursday 17 April 2014

The Terrible Consequences of not Praying Salah

Bismillah. Today, insha’Allah we’re
going to touch on a slightly different
angle on the concept of salah. Now,
you know that salah is fard–the 5x
daily prayers–and that the reward of
doing so is great, and the sin of doing
so are terrible. Hellfire, punishment on
the Day of Judgment, punishment in
this life, all these things are but

But let’s take a look at a slightly
different angle: scholars. What’s the
position of the scholars on someone
who doesn’t pray?

The position of all four madhaahib
Maliki, Shafi’ee, Hanbali, and Hanafi
with no difference of opinion–is that a
person who does not pray, ever, is not
a Muslim.

Think about that. Not a Muslim. Not
anyone who has a chance of Paradise.
Why ? There’s a very explicit hadith on
this–the hadith of the Prophet
(sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: The
difference between us and them
(Kuffar/Non-Muslims) is that of salaah
so whoever abandons salaah certainly
commits kufr.(Tirmidhi, kitab ul Iman,
Declared Sahih by Imam Tirmidhi, Imam
Nasai and Allama Iraqi, Minhaaj ul
Muslimeen pg.80)

This is a very direct, explicit hadith–
salaah is the contract, part of the
mithaaq, the original contract, with
Allah that all humans took. And this is
only one of the explicit ahadith like

What’s more, it was inconceivable in
the time of the sahaba that someone
could be a “Muslim” and not pray. It
just doesn’t make sense.
Scared yet?

No? Well, there’s more. What is the
position of the scholars of Islam on
someone who doesn’t pray, today, who
lives in that now-extinct species of
Islamic State? Then what happens?
Again, there’s no difference of opinion
on this.

The position of a Muslim in an Islamic
state, who doesn’t pray, is to be jailed.
And once they’re in jail, they should
be advised. That what they’re doing is
haram. That prayer is so, so important.
That it is a major sin. That it just takes
five minutes, five times a day–less
than one sitcom.

And if they don’t repent? Keep
advising them for a day. Then, a
second day. Then, a third day.
And if they still don’t repent?
Then they are executed.

So think about that, next time you feel
like skipping a salah. Honestly, it just
takes five minutes. Don’t let your lame
excuses side-track you. Just do it

Action Items:

* Make Tawbah . Whether you pray
regularly or not, if you’ve missed
prayers in your past, make wudoo and
pray two rakaahs of tawbah for that.
And be optimistic–insha’Allah Allah
WILL forgive you!

* Hit the Minimum 5x/day . If you don’t
pray your 5x daily prayers, start. Right
now. Today. Praying is difficult at first,
but over time, it becomes easier. Pick
up prayers one at a time, whatever you
can do, until you’re at least covering
the daliy five consistently.

* Add Sunnah/Nafl Prayers . If you
already have your five covered,
alhamdulillah, start adding the
sunnahs–starting with the two before
Fajr, and with salaat-ul-Witr. Those
are the best. Then gradually add more.
Add Tahajjud, if you’re already praying
all the sunnah prayers. The sunnahs
are like a shield that protect your fard
prayers; if you always pray them, in the
worst case, you might skip one or
two–but if you only pray fard, those
are the first to go.

* Reflect on the Reward and the
Punishment .
If you didn’t know, for
every fard action, Allah rewards you.
Think about THAT. You’re actually
getting some ajr! And reflect on the
punishment of not praying, ever–
capital. YOU might be praying, but you
probably know someone in your family
(near or extended), who doesn’t.
Advise them gently.

* Read. Islam QA has a great eBook on
33 ways to increase khushoo’ in salah.
When you get khushoo, you actually
enjoy salah! So read it, and apply one
or two of those techniques daily.
* Make Du’a . ‘Aishah said: “You will
not even get a shoelace without the
permission of Allah.” So ask Allah to
help you pray regularly and in the best

We ask Allah to make us among the
musalleen, those who pray regularly
and on time and have their prayers
accepted. This, if this is the only good
thing you do with your life, is a great
success that many people the world
over have not achieved.

Note: We’re NOT saying that you
should go around killing people.
Nobody’s going to be executed for not
praying–there IS no Islamic state in
our time. But if there was, and if a
Muslim living there didn’t pray, then
the punishment is capital. It’s
something to think and reflect over–
the seriousness of salaah. It IS the
contract between us and Allah.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

How to remove chewing gum from hairs?

If sticky, icky chewing gum ever gets stuck in your
hair, don't spring for the scissors on the very first
instant. Having gum helplessly stuck in your hair may
not be so helpless after all. In many cases, products
with an oil base can remarkably loosen the gum from
your hair, allowing it to be gently pulled away with a
comb, paper towel, or clean rag.

Try some of the following remedies if you are unable
to loosen the gum from your hair on your own.
Some products to use when attempting to remove gum
from hair:

Ice - Perhaps the easiest, cleanest and least expensive
method of all is putting a few ice cubes in a plastic
bag and rubbing them onto the gum until it freezes.
Once the gum has hardened completely, it should
break away easily, releasing itself from the hair.
Baby oil, canola oil or olive oil - Armed with a fine-
tooth comb and one of these oils, one should be able
to release the gum with a little time and concentration.
The oil helps to break down the gum, easily allowing
it to be taken from the hair. First massage oil onto the
area stuck to the gum, allowing it to set for about 20
minutes. Then gently apply a comb to the area. If the
gum does not come away easily, repeat this process.
Peanut butter - (NOTE: Do not use this method on
anyone with a peanut allergy!) Peanut butter may be
rubbed through hair thoroughly, and left to saturate
that section of hair for about 15 minutes. Follow this
procedure by a gentle brushing or combing. Next, rinse
or shampoo hair as usual, with warm water. This
should help the gum to come free in chunks.

Mayonnaiseor butter - These products have also been
known to loosen gum from hair in a pinch. Massage a
dab of one or the other onto the trouble spot and
gently comb the gum out of the hair.

Shortening - Shortening is another product that
generally releases gum from hair. Take a small dab and
massage it onto the affected area. Gum should then
slip out of the hair effortlessly once the shortening has
loosened it.

Cooking oil or cooking spray - Also attempt cooking
oil or cooking spray if shortening is unavailable.
Hairspray - By spritzing on some hairspray, gum
should easily peel away from hair.

Baking soda and water mixture - A mixture of baking
soda and water massaged onto problem area should
resolve the situation by loosening the gum until it can
be brushed out.

Regular lighter fluid - Regular lighter fluid will also
remove gum from hair and just about anything,
including clothing, carpets, upholstery, etc., by merely
dissolving it. Those who choose to apply this method
for removal must be especially careful as lighter fluid
should not be handled lightly.

Regular hair conditioners - Massage conditioner into
hair and comb, rinsing the comb while bits of the gum
start to come out of the hair. This process is a bit
more tedious than the others, so use this method as a
backup plan.

Egg whites - Using egg whites and a fine-tooth comb
should help loosen gum from hair and cause it to
dissolve a bit. First massage the egg whites into the
afflicted area, then comb gently and rinse. Repeat until
no longer necessary.

Finally, if you are uncomfortable trying these other
options, consult your hair care provider for a
professional opinion.

The peanut butter method and the ice cube method
have both been rated as highly effective techniques for
removing gum from one's hair. Special precautions
should be taken, however, to ensure that the child or
subject with gum stuck in his or her hair does not
have a peanut allergy.

Warnings about using these methods to remove gum
from hair:

The stress of these products, chemicals and methods
on hair may cause some minimal breakage as the gum
is being removed from hair.

Do not mix chemicals when attempting to remove gum
from hair.
Lighter fluid should be used only under close adult
supervision, if necessary.

Oil may remain in hair even after gum has been
removed, for several days and/or several shampoos.
Dish washing detergent may aid in removing the oil
from one's hair.

Tips for preventing gum from sticking in hair again:
Do not fall asleep with gum in your mouth.
Do not play with gum while chewing it.